Residents of Jordan, Oklahoma are dismayed to discover that a massive power outage knocked out all the electricity to the city. In fact, nothing with a computer chip is working. Cars, cell phones, video games are all suddenly useless. Local authorities suspect a terrorist attack; an EMP detonated to disable the nearby air force base. The frightened residents are cut off from the rest of the country and fear the attack may be widespread. Adding to the fear are several reports of "ghost" citings. Actually, not ghosts. These people are claiming their dead relatives are showing up in their houses alive.
About the authors:
Alton Ragan is a business owner and presently serves on the board of Shawnee Rescue Mission. He has served on the board of two churches and co-hosted a small television program called "Truth Talks". He has been an avid student of God's Word for more than thirty years. He is the father of two children and three grandchildren. Alton Ragan resides with his wife of 34 years in Central Oklahoma, where he continues to write.
Robert McLaughlin graduated from the University of Central Oklahoma with a degree in psychology. He is a student of the Bible, Sunday School teacher, and avid reader of fiction.
My thoughts:
How many times have you read the same verse in the Bible over and over and really not grasped the meaning or intent of the text? I know I have read I Thessalonians 4:16-17 (KJV) many times and never really thought about the phrase "...and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." I think I've always felt that it was almost a simultaneous event. BAM!...the dead rise...BAM!...we who are alive and remain are caught up together with them. Exploring the dead being raised first in the pages of this novel has really gotten me to thinking about what I think about end time events and I know in the days ahead I'll be looking at this much more closely.
I believe this book will stir you out of your complacency in regard to your walk with Christ in two ways...by conviction and encouragement. You will find yourself becoming quite introspective and repentant as you read this book...especially as you see Pastor Jack struggling with how he feels he's let his congregation down by not preaching with the fire and fervor that his preacher father did before him in regards to end time events and the need for the surety of salvation. The encouragement comes as we are reminded that there IS a blessed hope, Jesus IS coming soon, and it's not too late for us to heed God's call to reach others around us with the Good News of the Gospel.
This book is quite thought-provoking and soul-stirring, and I think it would be a good book for anyone who enjoys the study of end time events or for someone who may be backslidden or just needs a boost of zeal in their walk with the Lord. I know I'll be passing it along to friends and family in the days ahead.
FOREWARNING: The book does contain a few mild profanities. I felt the use was a bit unnecessary but it doesn't detract from the story.
My thanks to LeAnn Hamby of Hamby Media for generously providing a copy for review.
For me Jen, I still believe it will be simultaneous. I know these types of books cause me to seek God more.
I'll do my best to be ready no matter which way it happens. Watch and pray. Love ya Sis! :)
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