Kelly's dual careers as English teacher and author give her the opportunity explore and share her love of the written word. A CBA bestselling author and dedicated member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Kelly is a reader favorite of Barbour's Heartsong Presents program, where she's been privileged to earn numerous Heartsong Presents Reader's Choice Awards; including Favorite New Author 2005, Top 5 Favorite Historical Novel 2005, and Top Five Favorite Author Overall 2006 in addition to winning the Second Favorite Historical Novel 2006!
Her Prairie Promises trilogy, set in the 1850s Nebraska Territory, features her special style of witty, heartwarming historical romance.

Desperate to provide for the woman who raised her, Clara agrees to find a bride for the man's son--a stalwart bachelor. How hard can it be to find a bride for one handsome Doctor? Apparently more difficult than she imagined when Saul Reed seems determined to ramain single.
Will Clara's faith and wits help her wrangle a resolution to The Bride Bargain. Striking a bargain with a lonely trader to fool a head-strong doctor could lead Clara to an unexpected avenue of romance.
If you would like to read the first chapter of The Bride Bargain, go HERE.
WOULD YOU LIKE TO WIN a copy of this book? If you're a US resident, please leave a comment that includes your contact info in this format (you at yoohoo dot com) as well as the best historical book you've read so far this year. I'll accept comments through Sunday evening, September 21, at midnight central time.
I'd like to enter the drawing! Picking my favorite historical this year is hard, though... For laughter's sake, I'd have to say Calico Canyon by Mary Connealy. Hilarious!! On the serious side, an early church historical- Perpetua. It was published a few years ago, but I just read it this year, and it clinched a top spot on my all-time favorites list. You have to check it out!
aaronandlori (at) gmail (dot) com
hmmmm... best one? That's difficult! I'm not sure, it could be MaryLu's The Falcon and the Sparrow... ugh, it could be Mary Connealy's bunch, either Petticoat Ranch or Calico Canyon, I loved both of those! but maybe it's one of Julie Lessman's Passions... If I had to choose, I guess I'd choose A Passion Redeemed. It just touched me so deeply in my heart.
I'm just dying to get a real copy of this one, so please enter me!!
cherryblossommj(at) gmail [dot] com
I've seen this book and wanted to get it, so I would love to win it. I recently read The Outsider by Ann H. Gabhart. It was set in the 1800s and the storline surrounded the Shaker community. It was very interesting.
Have not read a good historical yet this year yet. I love the fact that one day I was bored with what I was reading and found blogging and all the book blogs with reviews- I am in heaven now and have a huge reading list
My favorite historical fiction this year... hmmm. I know some poeple don't consider Pride and Prejudice to be historical fiction, but I do. So my favorite would be none other than Jane Ausin's Pride and Prejudice! Great book. Yeah, thanks for the contest! It really blesses me!
liatheddrfreak (at) gmail (dot) com
I'm in the midst of re-reading the Eleventh Hour from the Secret of the Rose series by Michael Phillips. Love it even more the second time around! And love his books.
frog123 (at) cyipcom (dot) net
Hello, The best historical book I have read this year is "The Duchess"
written by Amanda Foreman. Please enter me in your delightful drawing for "The Bride Bargain!" I appreciate it. Thanks, Cindi
Please enter me, I'd love to win this book.
My favorite historical this year is tough. I've really been enjoying the new Steeple Hill historicals. I think my favorite of those was the Bounty Hunter's Bride. I also just read a great OLD book. The Flight from the Eagle by Dinah Dean. It is long out of print and very hard to get, but is such a great story with a hero who really wants to respect and honor the heroine, unusual in a non-christian novel.
bookwurm70 at yahoo dot com
My favorite historical Fiction this year is probably A Passion Redeemed by Julie Lessman. I have Whirlwind by Cathy Marie Hake on my "to be read" pile and I love her writing! So by the end of the year, it could be a toss up. Ha, I honestly just connected that I'm signing up to win Cathy's daughter's book! :) It's sad how I can crack myself up.
Mimi B
mnjesusfreak at gmail dot com
I'd love to win a copy of this book. It sounds awesome! I haven't read any historicals this year but do have "Calico Canyon" as the next book on my list to be read.
I've read two historicals that really stood out to me this year: 1) Snow Angel by Jamie Carie, and 2) The Oak Leaves by Maureen Lang. The first was tender and sweet, and the second dealt with an inherited genetic disorder. Both were excellent in their own way.
Thanks for entering me in this contest.
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
My favorite historical this year so far is A Passion Most Pure by Julie Lessman.
I appreciate you all stopping by with your comments, and wow - lots of good titles ladies. I haven't read any of them, even though many are on my TBR list.
I would love to win this book! I have read some of her other books and loved them.
horsecrazyaly15 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Kelly's book sounds delightful and her life journey is inspiring. I'm going to have to stop saying that historical romance is not one of my reading genres. I absolutely adored Marry Connealy's Petticoat Ranch and Calico Canyon, and I recently discovered Cathly Marie Hake (any relation to Kelly?). So please enter me in the drawing for The Bride Bargain.
Thank you for the interview!
The absolute best historical book I've read this year would be Julie Klassen's "Lady of the Milkweed Manor". It blew me away. And it was very educational.
ldneuhof at hotmail dot com
With Endless Sight by Allison K. Pittman is the best one I've read this year.
I would like to be entered in the drawing for this book, however I must be honest I haven't read any historical books this year, I was given a book by Karen Kingsbury, "Just Beyond The Clouds" by one of my co-workers and once I read that first book by her I was hooked, I've been reading her books one right after another ever since. It would be nice to win a copy of this book and then I'd have another Author on my favorites list. Thank you for the chance to win a copy. rtish315 (at) yahoo (dot) com
My favorite historical this year is A Passion Most Pure by Julie Lessman! purposedrivenlife4you(at)gmail(dot)com
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